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Dashboards and Buttons

pTools Umbraco Workflow has its default Dashboards, you can find out more about them in this section.

Content App

pTools Umbraco Workflow adds a Content App to all content nodes in the Content section where a workflow is enabled.


pTools Umbraco Workflow uses Notifications to allow you to hook into the processes for the backoffice.

Approval thresholds

Use thresholds to configure how many approvals a workflow in pTools Umbraco Workflow requires to be considered complete.

Workflow Section

The Workflow section provides an administrator view Workflow Dashboard.

Active Workflows

The Active Workflows view in the Workflow section provides an administrator view of the active Workflows.

Approval Groups

The Approval groups view in the Workflow section lists the active groups name, group members, their permissions, and a quick link to email the group.

Content Reviews

Content reviews is a tool that allows content editors to keep their content up-to-date.

Workflow History

The pTools Umbraco Workflow History provides a chronological audit trail of workflow activity for all the nodes.