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Content App

Content App

pTools Umbraco Workflow adds a Content App to all content nodes in the Content section where a workflow is enabled. The Workflow content app includes three sub-sections:

  1. Active Workflow
  2. Configuration
  3. History
*Workflow content app

Active Workflow

The Active workflow sub-section provides an interface for managing workflows for the current content node. When you initiate a workflow on the current node, the Active workflow sub-section requires information such as:

  • Change Description.
  • [Optional] Scheduled date to publish the changes requested in the node.
*Active workflow initiate request
When the current node is pending workflow approval, the Active workflow sub-section displays detailed information such as:
  • Option to approve, reject, or cancel pending workflow tasks.
  • View change description and track differences across pending and completed workflows.
  • View the group responsible for approving the pending workflow.
  • View pending language variant(s) workflow.
  • View the workflow activity (eg. pending approval/task approvals/rejects) for the current workflow process.
*Active Workflow sub-section
You can access Active Workflows from two places - the Content section and the Workflow section (depending on your user permission). Workflow Administrators (those users with access to the Workflow section) can access workflows assigned to a different group. In the Workflow History, these are noted as being performed by the admin.
In multi-lingual sites, variant content can be submitted in one of these workflows:
  • Only the current variant.
  • All variants for publishing in a single workflow process using the workflow applied to the default variant.
  • Each variant into a separate workflow.

For example, the German version of your content can be approved by German speaker's group and the English version by the English speaker's group.

Approve, Reject, or Cancel pending workflow tasks

Approve Workflow Tasks

To approve a Workflow task, click on the Approve button in the Action section.

Reject Workflow Tasks

To reject a Workflow task, click on the Reject button in the Action section. Depending on the approval stage, the reviewer can decide where to send the rejected task.

For first-stage approvals, the rejected task is sent back to the original editor/author. For second-stage approvals and above, the reviewer can send the rejected task either to the original editor or any other previous workflow group.

*Reject Workflow Tasks

Cancel pending Workflow Tasks

To cancel a pending Workflow task, click on the Cancel button in the Action section.


The Configuration sub-section provides an interface for configuring the content approval flow for the current node. It also displays any Inherited or Document type approval flows applied to the current content node.


*Configuration sub-section

Content Approval Flow

You can add different groups for different stages of content approval flow. Content Approval flow groups can be reordered via drag and drop. You can also apply the approval flow either for publish and unpublish workflow or only publish workflow.

*Content approval flow

Approval Flow Types

Approval Flows are available in three types: Content approval flow, Inherited approval flow, and Document type approval flow.

A given content node may have all three approval flow types applied but only one will be applied as per the following order of priority:

 Content approval flow: set directly on a content node via the Configuration section in the Workflow tab . This type will take priority over all others.

Document type approval flow: set in the Settings section. This approval flow will apply to all content nodes of the selected Document Type unless the node has a Content approval flow set. This feature requires a license.
Inherited approval flow: if a node has no Content approval flow set, nor a flow applied to its Document Type, pTools Umbraco Workflow will traverse the content tree until it finds a node with a Content approval flow and will use this flow for the current change.
*Approval Flow Types

Review the current responsibilities for Approval Groups in the Roles tab of the Approval Groups section for Node-based approvals and Document type approvals only. 

*Approval Groups Roles

Document-type approval flows can also include conditional stages i.e., only include Translators in the workflow when the Description property has changed.

Configuration cannot be modified when a content node is in a workflow process.

Content reviews

Content reviews is a tool that allows content editors to keep their content up-to-date.


The History sub-section provides a chronological audit trail of workflow activity for the current node. It displays a table containing the following information:

  • Type of Publish.
  • Who the workflow is requested by.
  • The date the workflow was requested.
  • Comments.
  • Status of the workflow.
*History sub-section

You can also Filter the records based on the information listed above. Additionally, you can adjust the total number of records displayed on a page.

The Detail button at the end of the record displays an overlay with content similar to the Active workflow sub-section.


*Details overlay