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Dashboards and Buttons


pTools Umbraco Workflow adds two Dashboards to your pTools Umbraco project:

  • User Dashboard - This Workflow Dashboard is added in the Content section. It displays the tasks requiring approval from the user, current user’s submissions, and stale content (content that needs to be reviewed).

*Workflow Dashboard in the Content Section

  • Admin Dashboard - This Workflow Dashboard is the default view in the Workflow section. It displays a chart of recent workflow activity, chart of content review activity, licensing details, and any relevant upgrade-related messages. You can also view the workflow and content review activity chart for the specified range of days.


*Workflow Dashboard in the Workflow Sectios


When a workflow is active on the current node, the Publish button is replaced, linking to the workflow content app.


*Buttons drawe
When no workflow is active, the button state is determined by the current user's permissions.
pTools Umbraco Workflow overrides pTools Umbraco's User/Group publishing permissions. If the user has permission to update the node, they will be able to initiate a workflow process on that node. pTools Umbraco Workflow shifts pTools Umbraco from a centrally administered publishing model (controlled by a site administrator) to a distributed model. In this model, editors publish content based on their responsibilities assigned during the workflows.
In cases, where the content is already in a workflow, a notification is displayed at the top of the editor. Depending on the Workflow Settings, you can enable/disable editing access on a content node in a workflow.



*Disabled content edits

For nodes where the workflow has been disabled, the default Umbraco options are displayed.

*Default Button